Brian Garcia is running as a Democratic Clean Elections candidate for the AZ House in Legislative District 8.


Brian is a community advocate and an attorney

For Brian's family, education is the American Dream. He was born and raised in Arizona by parents from El Salvador and the Pascua Yaqui Tribe in Mexico. Upon becoming citizens, they fought to ensure Brian and his brother Aaron had access to opportunities.

Brian’s desire to serve is rooted in fighting for our families and our community. This is our home. Brian was raised by our community. He was the first in his family to graduate from high school, college, graduate school, and earn a law degree.

Brian has been successful because of teachers, mentors, and community leaders that have helped along the way.

One teacher is Mindy Udall – his Social Studies teacher. She instilled the importance of civic engagement. It is because of teachers like Mindy who have gone above and beyond for first-generation students like Brian that create opportunities for us to grow and give back to our communities.

Brian is ready to take on the next challenge and represent us at the Arizona legislature.